Welcome to Mai Noor, where purity meets perfection in the world of water. Our commitment is to deliver pristine, refreshing, and quality water products to enhance your well-being. Explore the essence of our offerings and our meticulous processes that set us apart.


  1. Mai Pure Drinking Water:
    • Immerse yourself in the purest form of hydration. Our Mai Pure Drinking Water undergoes rigorous filtration processes to ensure unparalleled clarity, taste, and safety.
  2. Mai Noor Spring Water:
    • Experience the natural goodness of Mai Noor Spring Water, sourced from the finest springs. It embodies the untouched purity of nature, bottled just for you.
  3. Mai Noor Infused Water:
    • Elevate your hydration experience with our range of infused waters. Indulge in refreshing flavors, carefully crafted with natural ingredients for a delightful twist.
  4. Mai Noor Sparkling Water:
    • Add a touch of effervescence to your life with Mai Noor Sparkling Water. Enjoy the crisp bubbles and invigorating taste for a sparkling moment of refreshment.

Our Process:

  1. Source Selection:
    • We carefully select the purest water sources, ensuring the highest standards of quality and natural goodness.
  2. Filtration Excellence:
    • Our water undergoes advanced filtration processes, removing impurities while retaining essential minerals for a clean and crisp taste.
  3. Bottling Perfection:
    • Meticulously bottled under stringent hygiene standards, our packaging ensures that each drop reaches you in its purest form.
  4. Sustainability Commitment:
    • At Mai Noor, we are dedicated to environmental responsibility. Our packaging is designed with sustainability in mind, minimizing our ecological footprint.

Why Choose Mai Noor?

  • Purity Assurance:
    • We prioritize the highest standards of water purity to bring you a product that is not just refreshing but also genuinely revitalizing.
  • Exquisite Range:
    • From our signature Mai Pure Drinking Water to the indulgent Mai Noor Infused Waters, we offer a diverse range to suit every taste and preference.
  • Commitment to Sustainability:
    • Mai Noor is more than a water brand; it’s a commitment to sustainable practices that respect both nature and your well-being.

Discover the Essence of Purity with Mai Noor:

Indulge in the pure elegance of Mai Noor water products. Our commitment to excellence, coupled with a dedication to your health and satisfaction, makes us your ultimate choice for refreshing hydration.


Project Info

  • Category: E-CommerceWeb Development
  • Client: Mai Noor LLC
  • Location: Dubai
  • Architect: Irfan
  • Completed Date: 2021
  • Year Of Complited: 20k


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