Welcome to Share It, the ultimate app designed for swift and secure sharing of documents and images. Developed exclusively for Android, Share It leverages Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies to provide you with a seamless and efficient file-sharing experience.

Key Features:

  1. Fast and Direct Sharing:
    • Share documents and images directly between Android devices without the need for an internet connection. Enjoy lightning-fast transfers through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
  2. User-Friendly Interface:
    • Share It boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making file sharing effortless for users of all levels of tech expertise.
  3. Multiple File Formats:
    • Share a variety of file formats, including documents (PDFs, Word files) and images (JPEG, PNG), ensuring versatility in your sharing needs.
  4. Secure and Private:
    • Rest assured that your files are shared securely. Share It prioritizes user privacy and employs encryption for secure file transfers.
  5. Cross-Device Compatibility:
    • Share files seamlessly between different Android devices, promoting compatibility and making the sharing experience universally accessible.

Technology Stack:

Share It is built using cutting-edge Android development technologies to ensure optimal performance and a smooth user experience.

  • Android Development:
    • Developed natively for Android, Share It leverages the platform’s capabilities for a seamless and integrated user experience.
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Technologies:
    • Utilizes Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for direct, fast, and efficient file sharing, eliminating the need for internet connectivity.


Project Info

  • Category: Mobile App
  • Client: Private (Individual)
  • Location: Lahore
  • Surface Area: Skermset
  • Architect: Faisal
  • Completed Date: 2020
  • Year Of Complited: 10k


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